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Viccci Protocol

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Viccci Protocol

The total supply of Viccci is limited and fixed, with no further tokens to be created or mined. A portion of the total supply will be distributed to users through a series of incentives and rewards programs. These programs are designed to encourage users to participate in and contribute to the growth of the Social Exchange ecosystem. Viccci will be used as the primary means of exchange on the Social Exchange platform. It will be used to transact, tip, and reward other users for their contributions to the platform. Viccci can also be used to access premium features and services on the platform. In addition to its use as a means of exchange, Viccci will also serve as a store of value on the Social Exchange platform. The value of Viccci will be determined by market demand and the growth of the Social Exchange ecosystem. As the platform grows and becomes more widely adopted, the value of Viccci is expected to increase.

Key Features

  • Decentralized: The Social Exchange is built on the Ethereum blockchain, offering a decentralized and secure environment for social interactions and transactions.
  • User-friendly: The Social Exchange platform is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, making it accessible to users of all experience levels.
  • Incentivized: Viccci is used to incentivize and reward users for their contributions to the Social Exchange ecosystem. This encourages active participation and helps to drive growth on the platform.
  • Scalable: The Social Exchange is built on a highly scalable architecture, allowing it to support a large and growing user base.
  • Layer 2: Built using Polygon which is able to fully benefit from Ethereum’s network effects. Scalable, secure, with low transaction fees. In addition to all these features Polygon has a robust system of tools to aid in the development process.
  • Sometimes simple is better

    Simplicity and ease-of-use...unlock the true potential of the decentralized social exchange

    Total Supply
    Built using the EVM
    60% of total supply injected into liquidity pool

    Total Supply: 2.75m

    See Whitepaper for further details