Web Development

Custom Built Software

From E-commerce online stores to CRM Dashboards, we got you covered.

We will organize your data for you in your very own SQL Database using Supbase.
Scalable and Adaptable:
Our custom software grows with your business, easily adapting to evolving requirements and technologies.
User friendly
Built to your company needs and easy to use, we make it easy to integrate with your existing workflow.
Product screenshot

Why you need a website.

The Power of Websites for Business Success

Understand why having a well-designed and functional website is essential for expanding your business's reach, enhancing customer engagement, and staying competitive in today's dynamic market environment.

Online Presence and Visibility:

Without a website, your business may not appear in relevant search results, making it difficult for potential customers to find you. A well-designed website helps ensure that your business can be discovered by a broader audience, including local and global markets.

Marketing and Customer Engagement:

A website serves as a powerful marketing tool for promoting your products or services and engaging with customers. Your your website can support various digital marketing strategies, such as search engine optimization (SEO) and email marketing, helping you attract and retain customers more effectively.

Showcase Products and Services:

Your website acts as a professional display case for your products and services. By using high-quality images, clear descriptions, and customer testimonials, you can effectively showcase what your business offers. This allows visitors to understand your offerings easily and builds credibility for your brand.

Expand Market Reach:

With a website, your business can reach a global audience beyond your local market. This is particularly beneficial for businesses looking to expand their customer base or tap into new markets.

Built using the latest tech stack in web development

The product can personalize user experiences by understanding individual preferences and tailoring recommendations or content based on user behavior and historical data.

Next.js 14

App dir, Routing, Layouts, Loading UI and API routes.

React 18

Server and Client Components. Use hook.


ORM (Object Relational Mapping) using SQL and deployed on Supabase.


UI components built using Radix UI and styled with Tailwind CSS.


Authentication using up to date and secure practices.


Free and paid subscriptions using services like Square, Stripe, and Shopify.